I just changed my strings, and now
my bridge sticks way up in the air, and
my guitar won't stay in tune!  HELP!!!!

FloatingBridge2982WS.jpg (12253 bytes)
If your bridge looks like this, you probably changed to heavier
strings, or at least strings with a higher tension.
It will be easier than you think to get it back down where it belongs!

First, tune it to proper pitch, that is whatever pitch you
normally tune to. Be exact, it's important!
Then, remove the cover from the spring cavity in the back.

FloatingBridge2985WS.jpg (8979 bytes)
Now adjust the screws on the "claw plate" to bring the bridge
exactly half way down to normal.  Yes, only half!
Then re-tune to pitch ... you will find that your strings have
gone up in pitch and you'll have to tune down a little.

Tuning down should have returned the bridge
the rest of the way to level.

FloatingBridge2986WS.jpg (12239 bytes)

If it looks like this, you're done!
If not, repeat the steps above more carefully!

And don't forget to put the cover back on!



Jimmy             1-5-2003